.. _filter-settings: Overriding filter settings ========================== Fallback filter --------------- It's possible to set a *fallback* filter name. This filter is taken, if you provide no ``filter_name`` to the formatter-instance:: print formatter('This is *markdown* text', filter_name=None) {{ entry.content|apply_markup:"" }} In this case, add a variable in your ``settings.py`` called ``MARKUP_FILTER_FALLBACK``:: MARKUP_FILTER_FALLBACK = 'linebreaks' With this, the above examples would converted using the ``linebreaks`` filter. Arguments to the markup filter ------------------------------ You can pass arguments to the markup-filter itself. Here is a real world example:: MARKUP_SETTINGS = { 'restructuredtext': { 'settings_overrides': { 'initial_header_level': 2, 'doctitle_xform': False, 'footnote_references': 'superscript', 'trim_footnote_reference_space': True, 'default_reference_context': 'view', 'link_base': '' } } 'markdown': { 'safe_mode': True, 'extensions': ('tables', ) } } With the above setting, the call of the markdown function would like:: markdown.markdown(text, safe_mode=True, extensions=('tables',))