
  • Filter name: restructuredtext
  • Pypi package: Docutils

This filter converts a reStructuredText string to HTML. See a quick reference about reStructuredText.

This filter comes with default settings:

    'settings_overrides': {
        'raw_enabled': False,
        'file_insertion_enabled': False,

You can override them by either subclassing the related MarkupFilter class or using the global settings:

   'restructuredtext': {
      'settings_overrides': {
         'raw_enabled': True,
         'file_insertion_enabled': True,

Syntax Highlighting:

Pygments will automatically add a code-block directive with syntax highlighting.

rST Input:

Some **rST** text.

.. code-block:: python

    def test():
      return 'Hello World'


<div class="document">
<p>Some <strong>rST</strong> text.</p>
<pre class="code python literal-block">
<span class="keyword">def</span> <span class="name function">test</span><span class="punctuation">():</span>
  <span class="keyword">return</span> <span class="literal string single">\'Hello World\'</span>

By default, reStructuredText uses long class names. You can change the format of the class names using the syntax_highlight option:

   'restructuredtext': {
      'settings_overrides': {
         'syntax_highlight': short,

Above output but with short option:

<div class="document">
<p>Some <strong>rST</strong> text.</p>
<pre class="code python literal-block">
<span class="keyword">def</span> <span class="name function">test</span><span class="punctuation">():</span>
  <span class="keyword">return</span> <span class="literal string single">\'Hello World\'</span>